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How far do you want to go with workplace wellbeing? Call for interviewees

Call for managers in UK organisations (public, private and third sector organisations all welcome!) to give their opinions on workplace wellbeing initiatives in an interview with UEA researchers.

Last year we ran a survey on workplace wellbeing organizational ethics and started to share the findings of that survey on the PrOPEL Hub website and in research ‘sneak peak’ sessions with our Evolve Network members. 

Now – as part of the ongoing PrOPEL Hub-funded project – we want to explore in more depth how managers make decisions about what is an appropriate level of wellbeing support to provide to employees (or volunteers where relevant).

If you are the manager in a UK organisation (public, private, third sector all welcome) sign up to speak with us today!

There are two ways to let us know you are happy to be involved:

  1. Email and please state your name, job role and which UK organisation you work for. We will get back to you to arrange a mutually convenient time to speak. (We have had some issues with AI responses, so please do include the details above and use an organisational email address so that we know you are a real respondent). 
  2. Register your interest using the enquiry form: which is owned and administered by the UEA Workplace Wellbeing Research Team.

In honour of each participant’s involvement, we will send a thank you of at least £20 of shopping vouchers per interviewee to The Feed – an organisation whose mission is “Through the power of food, to empower communities in Norwich, ensuring each and every person has the support to eat well, live well, and feel connected.” 

The interview will take place via phone or video call at a mutually convenient time. Participation is completely voluntary and will take between 45 minutes and 1 hour in early 2024 (deadline extended for participation). The University of East Anglia research team for the project are the only people who will have access to your answers. You will never be identified to anyone else as the source of your answers. All quotes will be anonymous. The full information sheet and consent form will be sent to you via email, before you commit to speak with us. 

The findings of the research will be published on and in 2024 and in academic papers.

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