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How far do you want to go with workplace wellbeing? Survey on the ethics of workplace wellbeing

Calling managers and leaders of UK organisations (public, private and third sector organisations all welcome!) to give their opinions on workplace wellbeing initiatives.


Workplace Wellbeing can sometimes be a controversial and polarising topic. While there is clear academic evidence that suggests businesses paying attention to employee wellbeing can reap financial and cultural benefits, there is considerable popular discussion over how much, and what type, of wellbeing provision is appropriate and necessary.

Dr Helen Fitzhugh, of the UEA’s workplace wellbeing research team and the PrOPEL Hub’s knowledge exchange fellows, has been carrying out workshops with a diverse range of businesses on workplace wellbeing evidence and action. During these workshops managers and leaders have raised many questions about the ethics of workplace wellbeing: which aspects are personal and organisational responsibility, what is fair, why do certain groups seem to expect more or less support on workplace wellbeing than others and which initiatives actually address the wellbeing issues that matter?

PrOPEL Hub are therefore funding this new research study to explore how managers and leaders perceive workplace wellbeing initiatives and how, in those roles, they make decisions about what is appropriate to provide to employees (and volunteers where relevant).

The questionnaire is for managers and leaders in UK organisations (public, private, third sector all welcome). It is completely voluntary and will take between 10 and 15 minutes. The University of East Anglia research team and transcriber for the project are the only people who will have access to your answers. You will never be identified to anyone else as the source of your answers. All data used will be aggregated and all quotes anonymised. Access to the full information sheet and consent form is available via the link below.

The findings of the research will be published on and throughout the autumn and winter 2022/2023.

Tell us your opinion here:

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