Partnerships for East Coast Communities: progress so far
Over the summer of 2023, representatives from three universities (University of East Anglia, University of Suffolk, University of Essex) and the County Councils of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex came together to work on an agenda for research and action on the East Coast of England: the aim was to identify ways to bring about better health and employment outcomes in coastal economies, communities and the coastal environment.
Led by Professor Kevin Daniels of Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia, the team recognised that although the coastline of the East of England has significant challenges (some of the most deprived communities in the entire UK and a coastline subject to adverse effects from climate change), there are many exceptional activities and organisations already working in this space to improve lives. Therefore the job of the project team was to bring together a long-term vision that drew on the existing community assets, supported and furthered their activities, avoiding duplication. As the project progressed more and more local partners became involved.
The roadmap that was produced drew on this richness of activity and experience in the region (via workshops, interviews, public events and consultation) and informed a bid to the Local Policy Innovation Partnership fund to take forward the research and action agenda.
The roadmap can be downloaded here:
The open space book (for three specific coastal communities) can be downloaded here:
We will keep this page updated with news of how the partnership is taking forward the agenda set out in the roadmap.
If you would like to contact the team, please contact coastal.communities [space inserted to avoid bot messaging, please close the gap when you email us]