Welcome to the Evolve Workplace Wellbeing newsletter – August 2024
New Government – New blog article – New deal for working people
If the government wants to develop fairer and more productive workplaces it needs to help organisations to rebuild managerial capacity, argues Professor Richard Saundry (University of Westminster) in our latest blog article. On 17th July, King Charles III announced in parliament that the Labour government ‘will legislate to introduce a new deal for working people to ban exploitative practices and enhance employment rights’ – Richard explores this ‘new deal’. A new deal for working people? – evolveworkplacewellbeing.org
Share the wealth for better job satisfaction – new evidence paper
Professor Kevin Daniels from the Evolve team is part of ReWAGE – the Renewing Work Advisory Group of Experts. Other ReWAGE colleagues have produced an evidence paper called Building a business case for good jobs: Links between Good Work and innovation, productivity and employee health/wellbeing, co-authored by Emily Erickson, Gaby Atfield, Rebeka Balogh, Jamelia Harris and Chris Warhurst of the Warwick Institute for Employment Research. The paper acknowledges that while higher pay is one of the influences that motivate workers, after a certain tipping point more money does not help job satisfaction. Instead, how pay is distributed can continue to motivate workers, with employee ownership models keeping staff engaged and happier. Building a business case for good jobs – News Archive – ReWAGE – IER Warwick University
Evolve events rest period over the Summer!
Thank you to those of you who attended the Evolve Summer Chat in June – it was lovely to interact with you. Given the end of PrOPEL Hub funding and a commitment to ongoing research work involving public sector, social enterprise and private companies, you will notice a short lull in our free public event work over the Summer and Autumn 2024. However, if you are interested in one of our bespoke half or full-day workshops on ‘4 boosts for frontline workers’ or ‘Exploring and embedding workplace wellbeing’ please do be in touch for rates and availability. The Evolve Network will continue, with quarterly online meetings for members. Our next insight and discussion session is at 11am on Thursday 26th September. The topic is ‘How to check the value for money of wellbeing initiatives’ and our speaker is Evolve team member Professor Sara Connolly (University of Leicester). Applications to join the Network are open and membership is free to practitioners with direct wellbeing responsibilities in organisations. Read more about joining the network here: The Evolve Workplace Wellbeing Network – evolveworkplacewellbeing.org
In this section we compile other evidence-informed links to pieces on workplace wellbeing that we have found interesting. The following are not produced by the Evolve Workplace Wellbeing team. · Confidential counselling calls were eavesdropped on by strangers – BBC News · Mental health training for line managers ‘could save millions in lost sick days’ | The Independent · Shifting career motivations are not to blame for worsening teacher shortages – NFER
For breaking news – follow us on Twitter / X: @evolveworkwell
We will return for newsletter #26 in September
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Get involved – evolveworkplacewellbeing.org
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The Evolve Workplace Wellbeing Team
Norwich Business School
University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, NR4 7TJ