

What Works Centre for Wellbeing - document archive

The Evolve Workplace Wellbeing team worked on a range of Work and Learning-related projects for the What Works Centre for Wellbeing from 2015. Other partners of the Centre also developed materials on these topics. The What Works Centre for Wellbeing made their resources free to use and share under Creative Commons license nc-sa-4.0. Given the Centre's closure, we have now archived the Centre's work-related briefings, reports, case study evidence and guides here to support a legacy and ongoing use for this important material, under the same license terms.
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Do all job changes increase wellbeing?
Report2019wellbeing; mobility; change; satisfaction; research; quantitativeDownload
Adult education and life satisfactionBriefing2018education; inequalities; marginalisation; learning; training; research; quantitativeDownload
Adult learning and wellbeingBriefing2017education; learning; wellbeing; qualifications; skills; literacy; numeracy; research; review; systematicDownload
Do you really care about your staff’s happiness? How organisations balance wellbeing and performance during a crisis.Case study evidence2022covid; pandemic; authenticity; wellbeing; performance; communication; research; qualitative; longitudinalDownload
What matters for mental health and productivity in a financial services firm?Case study evidence2022mental health; stress; financial services; job quality; inclusion; research; quantitativeDownload
What works to alleviate frontline worker burnout?Briefing2024burnout; stress; homelessness; interventions; resources; job quality; research; reviewDownload
How cost effective is a workplace wellbeing activity? A how-to guide to cost effectiveness analysisGuide2020cost-effectiveness analysis; wellbeing; productivity; interventions; evaluationDownload
Civil Service Wellbeing Over Time: exploringdata from the Civil Service People Survey2014-22Report2022civil service; wellbeing; public sector; survey; research; quantitativeDownload
A systematic review of the community wellbeing impact of community businessReport2020community; community business; wellbeing; isolation; social cohesion; volunteering; research; reviewHow do community businesses affect community wellbeing?Download
How do community businesses affect community wellbeing?Briefing2020community; community business; wellbeing; isolation; social cohesion; volunteering; research; reviewA systematic review of the community wellbeing impact of community businessDownload
Evidence on reducing burnout among frontline workers: a literature reviewReport2024burnout; stress; homelessness; interventions; resources; job quality; research; reviewWhat works to alleviate frontline worker burnout?Download
Which jobs make us happy? Analysing 10 years of UK subjective wellbeing data by occupationBriefing (factsheet)2023subjective wellbeing; salary; occupation; wellbeing; research; quantitativeDownload
Why invest in employee wellbeingBriefing (factsheet)2017costs; wellbeing; turnover; performance; productivity; absence; presenteeism; turnover; job qualityDownload
Finding and keeping jobs: impact of low wellbeingBriefing2018unemployment; wellbeing; research; reviewFinding and keeping work: impact of low wellbeingDownload
Gender and unemployment. Analysis of Understanding Society: the UK Household Longitudinal SurveyBriefing2017gender; women; men; parenthood; satisfaction; wellbeing; unemployment; absence; research; quantitativeGender and unemployment. Analysis of Understanding Society: the UK Household Longitudinal SurveyDownload
Gender and unemployment. Analysis of Understanding Society: the UK Household Longitudinal SurveyReport2017gender; women; men; parenthood; satisfaction; wellbeing; unemployment; absence; research; quantitativeGender and unemployment. Analysis of Understanding Society: the UK Household Longitudinal SurveyDownload
Improving staff wellbeing in schools and colleges. A guide to measuring staff wellbeing and developing an action planGuide2023education; wellbeing; school; college; teacher; benchmark, action planDownload
Job quality and wellbeingBriefing2017job quality; wellbeing; training; support; environment; research; review; systematicDownload
Learning and work and wellbeingBriefing2017education; learning; wellbeing; interventions; research; review; systematicDownload
Workplace wellbeing questionnaire: methodologyGuide2018questionnaire; survey; framework; interventions; questions; themesDownload
Finding and keeping work: impact of low wellbeingReport2018unemployment; wellbeing; research; review; systematicFinding and keeping jobs: impact of low wellbeingDownload
Work progression and job securityBriefing2018progression; promotion; salary; career; research; review; systematicDownload
What matters for our sense of purpose?Briefing (factsheet)2024purpose; meaning; satisfaction; wellbeing; work; leisure; research; quantitativeDownload
Workplace wellbeing question bankGuide2020questionnaire; survey; framework; interventions; questions; themes; engagement; outcomes; purpose; engagement; job qualityDownload
Resilient organisations: Sense of belonging at work, wellbeing and performance during the recessionReport2018belonging; purpose; meaning; wellbeing; performance; identity; research; quantitativeDownload
Wellbeing in small business: Practice ExamplesGuide2018SME; case study; examples; interventionsDownload
Subjective wellbeing in different occupations in UK 2012-2022Report2022career; occupation; job; wellbeing; salary; satisfaction; pandemic; research; quantitativeDownload
Team workingBriefing2017activities; leisure; social; fairness; research; review; systematicDownload
Above and beyond mental health: the importance of job quality for productivity and performance in a retail companyCase study evidence2022productivity; performance; mental health; retail; absenteeism; presenteeism; research; quantitativeDownload
Unemployment, (re)employment and wellbeingBriefing2017unemployment; wellbeing; satisfaction; job quality; research; reviewDownload
Wellbeing benefits of job related learningReport2017training; learning; regions; older workers; satisfaction; gender; research; quantitativeDownload
What is a good job? Analysis of the British 2012 Skills and Employment Survey - SummaryBriefing2017job quality; involvement; demands; resources; security; wellbeing; regions research; quantitativeWhat is a good job? Analysis of the British 2012 Skills and Employment Survey - ReportDownload
What is a good job? Analysis of the British 2012 Skills and Employment Survey - ReportReport2017job quality; involvement; demands; resources; security; wellbeing; regions research; quantitativeWhat is a good job? Analysis of the British 2012 Skills and Employment Survey - SummaryDownload
Retirement and wellbeingBriefing2017retirement; wellbeing; control; bridging job; family; career; pension; research; reviewDownload
What works for health and wellbeing in the workplace?Briefing2020commmunication; coherence; commitment; creativity; consistency; principles; wellbeing; satisfaction; research; reviewDownload
Adopting joint productive and healthy workplace practices: What impacts success?Briefing2021job quality; wellbeing; implementation; managers; flexibility; consistency; resources; research; qualitativeDownload
Covid-19 and wellbeing inequalities: employment and incomeBriefing2021wellbeing; pandemic; employment; salary; unemployment; qualitative; quantitativeDownload
Wellbeing benchmarks: how is your organisation doing?Briefing2023benchmark; questionnaire; evaluationDownload
Supporting employees with terminal illness: A guide to workplace policies and practiceGuide2023terminal illness; absence; sickness; return to workDownload
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